Scams FAQ

Types of Scams

Threat of Disconnection

Scammers will call stating there is a past due/returned payment on your account that will result in disconnection if payment is not immediately processed over the phone.

Energy Saving Program

Scammers will call offering money-saving programs for seniors.  To enroll in the program, customers will need a credit card for the first month and bank information for the reoccurring monthly payments.  There have also been reports of scammers walking around neighborhoods asking to enter your home to discuss “how to save money”.


There are numerous reports of door-to-door solar representatives claiming to be an employee or associated with North Little Rock Electric.  We are NOT associated with any person walking around neighborhoods trying to sell solar.


 A few customers have received calls concerning their meters, but in reality it is a sales pitch from the scammer.

Cash App

We have received calls about third parties claiming to be associated with NLRED offering refunds to customers being overcharged. They are requesting account numbers and Cash App information. We will never ask for your Cash App for refunds. Please do not give out any personal or financial information.


A customer reported a scammer who called asking for their credit card information because they overpaid on a bill. NLRED will not call your home or business asking for financial information over the phone to refund an overpayment.


We have reports from customers that agencies are offering to pay bills and set up service for a fee. These agencies are taking funds from customers and making payments on their behalf that are coming back as fraud. Please use our official website and authorized payment methods.

Door-to-Door Contractors

We have had reports from customers that contractors are going door-to-door offering Energy Efficiency testing. North Little Rock Electric contractors will not go door-to-door offering services to customers.

General Scam FAQ

Will North Little Rock Electric ever ask me for my financial information over the phone?

A North Little Rock Electric representative will never call a customer and ask for financial information over the telephone.

What should I do if I think that I am a victim of a scam?

Customers who believe they are a victim of a scam or see any suspicious activity can notify the proper local authorities. If you believe your electric account has been affected, please call 501-975-8888 to speak with a customer service representative.