General Outage Questions
What is an outage?
An outage is a sudden loss of power due to forces or events outside of our control, such as weather, vehicle collisions, animal interference or equipment problems. If you have been affected by an outage, please report this by calling the Automated Outage Reporting System at 501-975-8888 (Press 1) or online at Report an Outage.
How does North Little Rock Electric restore power?
When an outage occurs, our top priority is to restore your power quickly and safely. NLRED mobilizes all available crews and equipment, and will ask for assistance from other utilities in our mutual assistance program and hire outside contractors if necessary.
During the restoration of electrical equipment due to storm damage, NLRED works to restore power to equipment that feeds the largest number of customers first and continues until all customers have power. This could include high-voltage lines (1) and structures, substations (2) or switch station equipment. After this damage is repaired, we work to restore the greatest number of customers, keeping safety in mind, repairing main feeders/circuits in communities (3), neighborhood lateral lines (4), and then work to restore individual customer’s transformers and service lines (5).

1. High voltage transmission lines – delivers power from the power plants to the substations.
2. NLRED Substation/switch equipment – transforms the electrical voltage so it can be routed to the main distribution lines/circuits.
3. Main feeder lines/circuits – delivers power to large subdivisions and large businesses.
4. Lateral lines – neighborhoods and streets are served with lateral power lines feeding off the main circuit which are protected with a fuse. These lateral power lines are usually located in the rear easements of the subdivisions. If there is a fault on your lateral it will blow the fuse causing an outage to your home but protecting the electric lines of the neighbors across and/or down the street.
5. Transformers/service lines – delivers power to individual customer locations either overhead or underground. All customers are served by transformers that are also protected by a fuse link. If your transformer fuse detects a fault and blows it only affects your home and 4 or 5 of your neighbors.
When will my power be restored?
Why do my neighbors have power and mine is still off?
Your neighbor could be served by a different transformer or main line. For instance, your service could come from a line in the back of your house, and your neighbor across the street could be served from a line in front of your house. In any event, please report your outage to 501-975-8888 (Press 1) or online at Report an Outage.
What causes my lights to flicker?
Flickering lights maybe caused by a poor connection on your service line, or a poor connection in your meter/breaker box. The flicker occurs because contact is occurring only part of the time. Temporary faults on the power system can also cause voltage dips. It is not uncommon to see lights flicker during extreme weather conditions.
Can I use a portable generator during an outage?
Generators can be used if connected properly. If a generator is connected to an outlet in your home, the electricity can travel out onto the power lines and through transformers creating a life-threatening situation for our employees trying to restore power. Please contact the North Little Rock Electric Engineering Department at 501-975-8888 for instructions on proper generator use.
What do I do if there are tree limbs on my electric lines?
North Little Rock Electric offers tree trimming services in an effort to curb unnecessary power outages. If you notice tree limbs on or near the electric lines please contact a representative at (501) 975-8888 or online at Request Tree Trimming.
How do I report a streetlight out?
Streetlight outages can be reported online at Report a Streetlight Outage or by phone at (501) 975-8888.
Outage Safety Questions
What to do if powerline touches your car?
- Stay inside! The safest place is in your car. The ground around your car may be energized.
- Honk the horn, roll down your window and yell for help.
- Warn others to stay away. Anyone who touches the equipment or ground around the vehicle may be injured.
- Use your mobile phone to call 911.
- Fire department or police will tell you when it is safe to get out of the vehicle.
What to do if you see a downed power line?
- Call 911 immediately and then report the downed line to NLR Electric.
- Do not touch anything or anyone in contact with a fallen power line or other equipment.
- Keep children and pets away from fallen electric wires.
- Do not drive over a fallen power line.