Our Current Contractors

North Little Rock Electric partners with a variety of reputable contractors to help us in our mission to provide reliable power to our customers. We expect the same amount of respect and customer service from our partners as we do from our own NLR Electric employees.  They will at times be accessing backyards for pole/infrastructure maintenance and could be working some weekends.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at 501-975-8888 or custserv@nlr.ar.gov.

Pole Permitting

NLR Electric has contracted TRC to perform pole permitting. They will be working throughout our service territory for several months and will have a “NLRED contractor” magnet on all their vehicles.

Environmental Clean Up

North Little Rock Electric has contracted United States Environmental Services (USES) to perform removal of electric related debris and electric related environmental clean-up.

Below are frequently asked questions about this clean-up process:

Will customers need to call to report debris on their property?  No, USES will inspect all property with infrastructure damage.

Can an estimate be given to when USES will be in certain yards or neighborhoods?  Unfortunately not.  Some neighborhoods had more damage than others, so some areas make take longer to complete.  USES will be systematically working to cover all affected areas.

What will USES be cleaning up?  Electric related debris/environmental clean-up only, such as electric poles, wire, transformers, etc.

General Distribution Construction

Energy Efficiency

Vegetation Management – Tree Trimming

NLR Electric has contracted Looks Great Services, W.A. Kendall Vegetation Services, West Tree Service Platinum Land and Dirt, and Dogwood Tree to help with our ongoing preventative maintenance program. These contractors will be clearing trees/limbs away from pole-to-pole power lines throughout our service territory. Click HERE to learn more information about NLR Electric’s Tree Trimming program.