Payment/Billing FAQ


Where do I mail my payment?

Please mail your check or money order to:

NLR Electric
P.O. Box 936
North Little Rock, AR 72115


Where can I pay my electric bill in person?

  • NLR Electric has partnered with MoneyGram to increase the number of locations and hours of operation available for you to pay your electric bill.  There is no fee for using this service for paying your NLR Electric bill.
  • Payments can also be made through our kiosk at the North Little Rock City Services building from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday (excluding holidays and inclement weather).
    North Little Rock City Services
    700 W 29th St
    North Little Rock, Arkansas 72114

What Credit Cards do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit and debit cards or electronic checks for bill payments.

Can I pay over the phone?

Call 501-975-8888 to authorize an electronic payment with your credit/debit card. This option is available 24/7.

How do I make payments online?

  • View and pay your electric bills at your convenience, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, online at My Account.
  • You can also make a One Time Quick Payment online with your account number and last name.

What is Pre-Authorized Payment (bank draft)?

You can now sign-up online to automatically pay your bill from your checking account.  The Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) option allows monthly debits of your current electric bill from your bank account at no cost.  Just click HERE to fill out the online form and never miss another payment.

To sign up with a credit card you will need to log into your My Account to set up this pre-authorized payment method.

What is Levelized Billing?

Maximize your budgeting power by minimizing the normal highs and lows of seasonal electric bills. North Little Rock Electric’s levelized billing is based on a rolling average of 12 months. To sign up, simply fill out our Levelized Billing Agreement form.

Will I receive a shut-off notice?

The monthly bill will serve as the shut-off notice as it contains the due date for the current bill and the disconnect date.

What if I need to ask for an extension?

If you need a few more days to pay, you can easily get a payment extension of up to 7 calendar days just do so on or before your bills disconnect date. Payment extensions CANNOT be given after your bills disconnect date, and late payment charges still apply when payment is not made by your bill’s due date. To request an extension please contact customer service at 501-975-8888 or click HERE for our online form.

What happens if my service is disconnected for non-payment?

A reconnect fee of $25 is due for reconnection of service during business hours or $50 after hours. NLRED may also increase the amount of deposit for non-pay disconnection or other events related to the creditworthiness of the customer in $100 increments; provided that the deposit will not exceed two and one half times the expected highest monthly bill.

What are NLR Electric’s Billing Fees

$2.90 – Credit check
$100 to $300 – Deposits are based off Credit Check for NEW customers and Credit History with NLRED for PREVIOUS customers.
$25 – Customer error account setup (requesting wrong service address)
$25 – Reversal of final account
$25 – Reconnect of service after disconnection
$50 – After hours reconnect
$25 – Meter inspection
$75 – Meter Test Fee
$75 – Manual meter reading
$300 – Use of unauthorized meter
$100 – Cut meter seal
$100 – Usage from illegal restoration
$500 – Bypass/tampering

What if my service is disconnected and your office has already closed?

The customer will be required to pay bill in full after disconnection prior to turning power back on. Current technology allows for online and telephone payments with remote reconnection that can be made 24 hours a day.

Phone payments are available by calling 501-975-8888 or online payments to authorize an electronic payment with your credit/debit card. This option is available 24 hours a day for residential customers.

What if I think my bill is too high or too low?

If you feel your electric bill is higher or lower than usual, please contact Customer Service at (501) 975-8888 to review your usage or view your usage online with My Account.

What is the Returned Item Policy?

Defined as any payment made to NLR Electric by check: pre-authorized payment (PAP bank draft): web pay or credit card payment not honored by the bank or the credit card company will incur a fee of $25. NLR Electric will add the amount of the payment and the fee to the customer’s account and the account will be subject to immediate cutoff. Payment for any returned item must be made in the form of cash (at the kiosk), MoneyGram, cashier’s check, certified check or money order.

  • NLR Electric will not accept checks or web payments as form of payment after 2 returns for any reason for 1 year.
  • NLR Electric will suspend the PAP (bank draft) and web pay privilege for 1 year after 2 returns for any reason.
  • NLR Electric will disallow the check and web pay privileges for the life of the account if a payment is returned for Fraud/Unauthorized/Closed Account/Frozen/etc. This policy is effective after 1 return.


Who qualifies for Prepaid?

Most residential and some commercial accounts* are able to enroll in Prepaid.

*Net metering accounts or 320 amp services are not eligible for Prepaid.

What are the benefits of enrolling in Prepaid?

  • More payment flexibility – pay in advance how much and how often as is convenient.
  • No due dates.
  • No shut-off notices.
  • No penalties for paying late.
  • No fees for reconnecting service.
  • No security deposits.**

** Security deposits on existing accounts are credited to your account. This credit is used to pay for any usage up to the current date. Any remaining credit can be left on the account and used for future power purchases. Please note that you may have to repay an existing security deposit if you return to the postpaid billing option.  Security deposits related to meter tampering still will apply to Prepaid accounts.

What if I owe money?

Any remaining balance due on your account can be set up in a Prepaid arrangement. The maximum you can put into an arrangement is $500. The balance is paid using 50% of future payments to your account. This means 50% of all payments go to pay your prepaid arrangement, and the other 50% go toward your Prepaid credit for future power purchases. After your Prepaid arrangement is paid back in full, 100% of all payments go toward your future power purchase.

How much do I need to get started?

Customers must pay an initial minimum credit of $50 that will be used to fund the account. There after the minimum credit payment will be $25.

What if my service is disconnected?

Accounts that are disconnected for non-payment are still eligible to enroll in Prepaid and are not charged the reconnect fee. Deposits are refunded and credited to your account. The remaining credit is used for future purchase of power, or any remaining balance due can be set up on a Prepaid arrangement. However, a $50 credit is required to start Prepaid.

How do I keep track of my Prepaid credit?

Credits are adjusted through a daily billing. The billing rates and fees are the same as postpaid accounts. NLR Electric helps you track your credit with notifications by e-mail, text or phone calls when your balance falls below $25. If your account no longer has a credit balance, your service is disconnected until you make a payment.

How do I make payments?

App: NLR Electric’s online bill payment system.


Call: 501-975-8888

Accepted payments: Credit, debit, and MoneyGram.  No checks.

If using the above methods, payments normally are credited to your account within 30 minutes. Extenuating circumstances may delay reconnection on payments made after 5 p.m.

CheckFree payments are not allowed to reconnect the account.

Payments are accepted through the mail or by using a third-party payment site. However, these payments may take several days to be received and posted to your account.

How do I sign up?

Complete this webform or contact Customer Service at 501-975-8888.

Who do I contact if I have further questions?

Call 501-975-8888 during regular business hours to speak with Customer Service.

Auto Pay

What is Auto Pay & how do I sign up for it?

Auto Pay is a convenient option to pay your bill each month. 

Auto Pay allows you to pay your monthly bill through an automated draft from your bank account or credit card at no extra charge. By enrolling in Auto Pay, you authorize North Little Rock Electric to withdraw funds from your selected account to pay your monthly bill on the due date.

No, you are not required to sign up for it. We offer it for your convenience only. If you prefer to mail your payment or schedule it through your bank, please do so.

IF YOU MAIL PAYMENTS: Please use the NEW payment coupon included on your (August 2020 and after) bill and mail to:

North Little Rock Electric
PO Box 936
North Little Rock, AR 72115

IF YOU SCHEDULE PAYMENTS THROUGH YOUR BANK: Please use the new account number and North Little Rock Electric payment address listed on your bill (August 2020 forward).

How do I sign up for Auto Pay?

First, you must have provided a bank account and/or credit/debit card information to enroll in Auto Pay. 

On the Website:

  • Log-in to My Account
  • Click on Billing & Payments
  • Click on Auto Pay Program on the sidebar
  • Click on Sign Up for Auto Pay
  • Accept the Terms and Conditions then follow the instructions

How do I set up stored payment methods, such as a credit card?

You can save bank account and/or credit/debit card information for future bill payments. If you plan to enroll in the Auto Pay Program, you’ll be required to provide a stored payment account to pay your bill. 

On the Website:

  • Log-in to My Account
  • Click My Profile
  • Click on Manage My Stored Payment Accounts
  • Follow the instructions to provide a bank account or card information.
  • You can add multiple bank accounts and cards under your stored payment accounts

On the App:

  • Select Pay My Bill
  • Select Stored Payment Accounts
  • Select Add a Payment Method
  • Select which type of card or bank account information you will provide
  • Follow the instructions to provide a bank account or card information